sermon series

'faith people' series

Hebrews – Chapter 11 is God’s picture gallery of those who lived by faith, seen in a variety of circumstances.


Don’t confuse faith with presumption. Presumption is something we initiate and expect God to bless. But here we see that faith is our response to what God initiates on our behalf. In this 12-part series we see faith working in many different generations, lives and situations. This helps us to understand how we can live by faith?

Don’t confuse faith with presumption. Faith is our response to what God initiates on our behalf. In this first part of a series based on Hebrews 11, entitled Faith People, we look at the beginning of faith, i.e. faith for salvation. How does God bear witness to those who trust in the shed blood of Christ

God has never called us to be soul-winners. The term is not found in the New Testament. But He has called us to be witnesses. In this second part of the series ‘Faith People’ we look at two men who witnessed to God in their generations – Enoch and Noah

The believer’s inheritance is a major theme in the New Testament. Yet you hardly ever hear a sermon about it. In this third message in the series Faith People we look at a beautiful picture of our inheritance in the life of Abraham

In this fourth message in the series ‘Faith People’ Sarah shows us that genuine faith judges Him faithful who promised and opens the door for a miracle. Nothing is too hard for the LORD!

When God asked Abraham to offer up Isaac this was the greatest test of faith. No one else has been asked to do this, or ever will. Of course God did not allow Abraham to go through with it and never intended him to do so. So what was the purpose of this test?

We are a people of destiny and hope. Our lives bear fruit not only in our lifetime, but when we are gone too. In this sixth part of the series in Hebrews 11 entitled ‘Faith People’ we see how the patriarchs had a long-term vision in a short-term world.

There is nothing more powerful to affect change than to know your new creation identity. This is beautifully illustrated in the life of Moses who refused his Egyptian identity to embrace his true identity as one of the people of God. This is the 7th in Ken’s series in Hebrews 11 entitled ‘Faith People’

The blood of the Passover lamb that was shed had to be applied to the doorposts of the Hebrew families to be effective. Likewise, the blood of our Passover Lamb, Jesus, was shed for the sins of the world. Yet we need to appropriate it by faith for it to be effective for us.

In the same way the Israelites possessed the inheritance given to Abraham, so we possess our possessions given to us in Christ – by faith. This is the 9th in Ken Legg’s series in Hebrews 11 entitled ‘Faith People’

Is assurance of salvation something which comes some time after we are saved, and in some cases not at all? This is what some teach. Is it Biblical? See what Ken Legg says in this 10th part in his series in Hebrews 11 entitled ‘Faith People’.

Who was Jephthah and why was he driven out of his home by his brothers? Why did he make a foolish vow to God? These and other questions are answered by Ken Legg in this 11th part of the series in Hebrews 11 entitled ‘Faith People’

The final message in Ken Legg’s series Faith people. Here we see that the same faith which enables some to conquer kingdoms empowers others to endure hardship.

'Eternity is in Our Hearts' series

What happens to the believer after death? Will we be disembodied spirits in Paradise?
How reliable are the testimonies of those who have had near-death experiences?
What about the unsaved? Will they go to a place of eternal, conscious suffering?
What will our resurrected bodies be like?
Will Christians be judged for their sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
Does the Bible teach a literal 1000-year reign of Christ on Earth after this age? And if so, what will it be like?
Peter said, ‘the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up‘. Are we meant to understand this literally?
What is the New Jerusalem, and who will be living there?
How will the new heaven and new earth differ from the present heaven and earth?

These are just some of the questions Ken Legg explores from the Bible in this popular 9-part DVD series Eternity is in our Heart.

This is the first in Ken’s new series ‘Eternity is in our Hearts’

Ecclesiastes 3:11

This second message in Ken’s series ‘Eternity Is In Our Hearts’ looks at what happens to the believer at death.

Christians live in the hope of the resurrection of the dead. But how can a decomposed body be restored to life? What about bodies that have been burned to ashes, eaten by animal or marine life, etc.? And what will our resurrected bodies be like? These are just some of the questions Ken addresses in this third part of his series ‘Eternity is in our Hearts’.

At the Rapture Jesus is not only coming for His saints – He is bringing something with Him. Discover what this is in this fourth part of Ken’s series ‘Eternity is in our Hearts’.

What is the Millennial reign of Christ? Is it a literal or figurative 1,000 year period? What will we do in the coming Millennium? Ken addresses these and other questions in this 5th part of his series ‘Eternity is in our hearts’

The Millennial kingdom of Christ is much bigger than the Church. So who will Jesus be reigning over during the Millennium? Ken opens up the Scriptures around this question in this 6th part of his series ‘Eternity is in our Hearts’

In this 7th message in the series ‘Eternity is in our Hearts’ we look at the transition from the Millennial reign of Christ to the new heavens and new earth.

What is the New Jerusalem? Who will be there? And what will it be like? These are some of the questions Ken seeks to address in this, the 8th in his series ‘Eternity is in our Hearts’

Christians are sometimes accused of being too heavenly-minded to be of any earthly good. Yet, many people who impacted earth in a major way were people of faith who constantly meditated on their heavenly hope. Also, the Bible teaches that to be heavenly-minded is beneficial in many ways. This is the final session in Ken’s series ‘Eternity is in our Heart’

'Salvation is Forever' series

Have you ever wondered if you put your trust in Jesus, whether you could lose your salvation from your actions?

In this series Ken puts the case forward that indeed this is impossible.

Ken clearly shows that the scriptures proclaim the old adage “once saved, always saved.”

The subject of eternal security has been hotly debated for centuries. This session looks at Biblical basis for this teaching.

The New Testament makes a distinction between those who profess faith in Christ and those who possess genuine faith in Christ. For example, Jesus spoke of the wheat and tares, and Paul mentioned ‘false brethren’. What about Judas? Was he a professing believer only, or did he believe in Christ unto salvation?

There is a difference between gift and reward. Many Christians do not understand this and therefore have difficulty believing in eternal security. This teaching helps clear up some of the confusion in the ‘once saved, always saved’ debate

Every Christian will appear before The Judgment Seat Of Christ. What does this mean? 

Some say that only those who keep the 10 commandments are saved. Yet, when the apostles taught the doctrine of salvations they made it clear that this is apart from the law. Paul even said that those who taught that we need to keep the law in addition to faith in Christ were to be accursed. So which commandment did John refer to in 1 John 3:22-24?

When Jesus said to the Laodicean church, “I would spew you out of my mouth”, he was saying “You make me sick”. What was it that made Jesus say this?

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