Samson 1 : The Promise of a Saviour
Samson 1: The Promise of a Saviour. Patrick Ormsby
Samson 1: The Promise of a Saviour. Patrick Ormsby
The subject of ‘once saved, always saved’ has been fiercely debated for centuries. Yet, as this video reveals, the dispute about eternal security was ended once and for all when the book of Hebrews was written.
God’s love has endured for thousands of years and hundreds of generation. His love is a love that has always existed. Today’s message looks at why God is a loving God, how that love is the source of all creation, how it translated over the age of mankind … and some of the reasons why believers don’t get fully established in His love, leading to a nervous faith.
Paul contrasts those who are citizens of heaven with those who are enemies of the cross, (Phil.3:17-21). This stark contrast is depicted throughout the Bible in the study of two cities – Babylon and Jerusalem. The conflict between Babylon and Jerusalem is the story of the whole Bible – apostasy and salvation. They are the two most mentioned cities in the Bible. Both appear in Genesis and Revelation They are literal cities, yet represent two spiritual groups.
Paul says we carry the priceless treasure of the life of Christ within us, jars of clay. God has destined us to be vessels of honour. In this video we learn how He is fashioning and shaping us.
Christmas has taken on many forms over the years, but for Christians today, it is foremostly about the birth of Christ, and furthermore His death and resurrection as well, as He was born to die for us. In today’s message we look at some of the prophesies and the fulfilment of them regarding the birth of Jesus, the Christmas story centred around Mary and Joseph and a whole bunch of truth about why Jesus is the reason for the season.
Patrick Ormsby reminds us of the reason for the Christmas season. Jesus is the gift who keeps on giving.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper. We can freely enjoy His fruit and gifts to help us on our journey to eternal life. As we are partnering with Him, we have everything we need to help us spread the Good News of the Gospel to others.
The rest we have been provided in Christ evades many believers. The main cause of this lack of rest is not knowing your identity in Christ and believing in a works based, merit based doctrine – a doctrine that essentially is a false gospel that mixes New Covenant truth with Old Covenant practices. This message looks at what isn’t His rest and what is His rest, and how we bear His rest.
Paul’s words to the Corinthian church sum up the primacy of the cross … “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God”.
From Day One of the church we read, ‘And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved’ (Acts 2:47). No one was added who was not saved. And all who were saved were added. People do not join the church organisationally, but organically. They do not join by filling out a membership application. It is the Lord who adds to the church all who are being saved. In this video we look at what it means to be members of the body of Christ.
THE POWER OF IDENTITY | SESSION 2 “Adopted As Sons of God.
If we entered God’s family by the new birth, why do we need to be adopted into His family also? The truth behind adoption has amazing implications for the children of God.
Patrick Ormsby looks briefly at the life of Martin Luther, the great reformer — and how his personal revolution brought the
Christian Church back to justification by faith alone, by grace alone.
“The resurrection of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless hoaxes ever foisted on humanity, or it is the most important fact in history.” [Josh McDowell]
Battle Ready. Presented by David Van der Vooren
God bestowed the greatest honour upon mankind when He created us in His image. The Fall was the greatest act of identity theft in history. But God’s plan to restore His image in us is a magnificent display of God’s wisdom, love and grace.
In Hebrews chapter 11, where we have a record of men and women of God who responded to Him by faith we read just one verse of Joseph: ‘By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones’ (Heb.11:22). Of all the things the writer of Hebrews could have said about Joseph, why this?
Home is where the heart is … so the saying goes. As Christians, Heaven is our home and it’s always a good reminder that the world we live in is only temporary. Our hope and anticipation are ultimately for the new world that is to come. We are like residents on earth, but our citizenship is in Heaven.
This is the fifth part of the series looking at the life of Joseph. In this session we look at an important topic – the sovereignty of God
In Joseph’s brothers we see a wonderful picture of Jesus’ natural brothers, the nation of Israel. At the Second Coming of Jesus the veil that is over the eyes of the Jewish people will be lifted and He will be revealed to them, resulting in their salvation.
Part 4 of series “Joseph Dreamed”
We are living in a world which is progressively inventing ways and means of getting what we want instantly. But in this session we see how God’s timing is much different to ours, yet it is the best. Pt.3 – “Joseph Dreamed”
Through the finished work of Christ crucified, all our sins — past, present and future — have been forgiven and forgotten. We can have true intimacy with our Father when we know our sin is not a hinderance to our relationship with the Lord.
Chastening is a much misunderstood subject in the Bible. It is not to be confused with punishment. In fact, chastening is not always directly linked with our behaviour. Some of God’s most obedient children have suffered the most. Joseph’s sufferings were preparation for the huge responsibilities he would one day be given.
A simple message of encouragement in the grace of God in the life of Barnabas.
Joseph had two dreams. Those dreams turned out to be a revelation of his destiny. The remainder of his life was an unfolding of what was foretold in those dreams. In this video we see how the destiny of each believer in related to Joseph’s dreams.
The psalmist is away from the house of God and yearns to be there. How appropriate is Psalm 84 for those of us who have missed the fellowship of God’s people over the past few months of lockdown!
Part 2 of Patrick’s expose of the apostle, Peter, whose mission was to preach the gospel to the gentiles.
What difference did the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus make to the angels and how did it affect their relationship to us? Watch this video to learn more.
The word ‘discipleship’ has been hijacked by legalists and turned into a harsh, cold list of requirements needed to prove our commitment to Jesus. Jesus’ call to be His disciples, however, is an invitation to an intimate relationship with Him whereby He shares with us His plans, secrets and purposes and involves us in these. Don’t miss the real thing.
Jesus told His disciples to go across to the other side of the lake. But soon they found themselves in a life-threatening storm. Being in the will of God does not mean we will not encounter storms. This experience gave them a greater revelation of the Person of Jesus which deepened their faith in Him.
Galatians 2:6-8. As God had given Paul the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the gentiles, He had given Peter the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the Jews. Over 2 sessions, Patrick will unravel the enormity of Peter’s task as traditions were challenged in this exceptionally strong culture.
Paul said that the last days will be perilous and stressful. Evil men and impostors will get worse and worse. But he also said we can be ready and fully prepared for such times.
Jesus is the Advocate for all believers. This video looks at what that means.
Obedience under the New Covenant is not about being pressured by a legalistic, fear based compulsion to obey God through our own ‘good’ works, much like Israel who were blessed if they obeyed the Mosaic Law or cursed if they did not. Rather ‘grace-full’ obedience is an obedience that is compelled by the love of God for us and in us where we obey from the heart, based on faith in the obedience of Christ, through the finished work of the cross
We are either vessels of mercy or vessels of destruction. We are either those in whom God pours His mercy or we are building up wrath for the day of destruction. God gives His mercy to us through His Son Jesus Christ. But those who, like the Pharisees, are too proud to admit their need of God’s salvation, will never experience His great, abundant and everlasting mercy.
In this final lesson in the series “The Armour of God”, Patrick teaches us the Sword of the Spirit is the last piece of the armour and carries the weight of God to pierce and defeat the devil.
What is the key to understanding the Book of Revelation? Does it forewarn us that Covid-19 will lead to the world taking the Mark of the Beast through a chip? Watch this message shared by Ken Legg on 17th May 2020 with the New Covenant Church, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sometimes God births things in our lives which we know are from Him – dreams, promises, gifts, ministry, etc. But then they seem to be taken away from us. They die. Is that the end? Be encouraged by the truth that whatever God does is forever.
Jesus said it is impossible to live in this world without giving or receiving offence at some time or another. But if we do not know how to deal with offences they can lead to a root of bitterness. Learn God’s way of responding to offences and how to stay free from a root of bitterness.
Paul did not appeal to a certificate or a piece of paper or even miracles as his credentials for ministry. In this video we look at what really authenticates ministry.
Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the full armour of God so we can stand against the evil one. Today, Patrick urges us to put on the Helmet of Salvation – a timely message for us all.
Paul prayed that we would receive a revelation of the indwelling resurrected power of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this message we see four erroneous beliefs such a revelation will deliver us from.
Twice in three verses (1 Corinthians 3:21-23) Paul tells believers ‘all things are yours’. What does this mean?
In this video Ken shares one of the ways God’s people will shine as we approach the end of the age.
Why is the incident of the woman taken in adultery and brought before Jesus not in some Bibles? And what is its significance?
The peace of God is a beautiful gift given to every child of God. It is the same peace Jesus had when in a boat during a storm. It defies adverse circumstances. But sometimes it can be lost. Learn why this is and how it can easily be restored.
What is the science for and against climate change? And what, if any, is the Bible commentary on this subject? In this video Ken shares the relationship of climate change to the gospel.
What is the Great Apostasy? Are we living in the days of the ‘falling away’? If so, what is to be our response? This video addresses these questions.
When the building of the new temple under Zerubbabel was halted the situation looked helpless and hopeless. But then God raised up Zechariah and asked him 3 questions which transformed everything. The same 3 questions can change your situation too.
What is the Secret Place of the Most High? And what does it mean to abide there? In this video Ken Legg shares some expository teaching from Psalm 91.
Why are many Christians so fascinated with conspiracy theories? Should we have ‘itching ears’ about these things? Should we be aware of them? This message looks at some practical teaching regarding what the Christian response to conspiracy theories ought to be.