Author: NBCC

Elisha, The Prophet of Grace 11) After the Rapture

Elisha, The Prophet of Grace 11) After the Rapture What happens after the rapture of the Church? This is the final in our series in Elisha. See Sermon Slides Here

Elisha, The Prophet of Grace 9) Overcome Evil With Good

Elisha, The Prophet of Grace 9) Overcome Evil With Good Paul said, ‘Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good’ (Rom.12:21). ‘Overcome’ is a war word. It means to defeat. Evil will either overcome us or we will overcome it. Christians are not pacifists. We must aggressively fight evil and overcome it. […]

Things Secret and Things Revealed

Things Secret and Things Revealed  In Deuteronomy 29:29 we read, ‘The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us…’  What does this mean? In this video we take a look at this important subject. See Sermon Slides Here

Cut and Paste

Cut And Paste  “I called my message ‘Cut and Paste’ because people take bits out of the Bible. They take this bit and add it to that bit and before you know it we’ve got a denomination.” See Sermon Slides Here

Release What You Have… You Make Brave

Release What You Have… You Make Brave How to rise above limitations and step boldly into the power and authority God has placed within us. Using Acts 3 as the foundation of this last message, we’ll uncover the truth about spiritual gifts and how to recognise them, guided by the promise of 1 Corinthians 12:7: […]


Hope From a series on “Restoring His Life in Us,” the theme – Where is your hope resting? Hope in our world can at times bring fulfilment and sometimes seem elusive, so how does one make sense of this?  The message, centred on 1 Peter 1:13, moves from defining hope to understanding the object of […]

God is So Good… All the Time

God is So Good… All the Time The goodness of God leads you to repentance (change your mind) See Sermon Slides Here

Who are the Labourers in His Harvest?

Who are the Labourers in His Harvest? Who are the labourers and why are they few? Jesus came not only to bring us salvation but also to show us what He was like and to represent His Father perfectly. The parable of the Good Samaritan is the way Jesus uses to describe labourers. Then, in […]

Release What You Have – ‘But By My Spirit’

Release What You Have – ‘But By My Spirit’ This teaching session focuses on the spiritual gifts of Faith, Healing and the working of Miracles. This message explores how these gifts, administered through the Holy Spirit, empower us to serve and encourage others, relying not on our strength but on His. It’s an invitation to […]

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace. 6) You are What You Eat

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace. 6) You are What You Eat You are what you eat. As it is in the natural realm so it is in the spiritual realm. This video shares how we can eat healthy and also ensure we do not eat ‘spiritual junk food’. See Sermon Slides Here

Take the Cup

Take the Cup  “Is not the cup a participation in the blood of Christ! Is not the bread a participation in the body of Christ!” 1 Cor 10:16. Why do we let the cup pass by? Haven’t we joined Him in His death, burial and resurrection! Isn’t His life now, our new life! Nothing separates us […]

 Elisha, the Prophet of Grace. 5) It Is Well

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace. 5) It Is Well God, who miraculously causes the barren to give birth can also raise the dead to life. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. See Sermon Slides Here

Release What You Have Part 2 – – According to the Power That Works Within You

Release What You Have Part 2 – – According to the Power That Works Within You It’s the second message in a 3 part series emphasising believers already possess the gifts and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.It challenges the notion that spiritual maturity or effort is required to access these gifts, reminding believers that everything they […]

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 4) Empty Vessels

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 4) Empty Vessels The great thing about the Christian life and ministry is that God doesn’t ask that we bring anything to Him, but our emptiness. He cannot fill a vessel that is already full. But as we present ourselves to Him, knowing that without Him we can do nothing, […]

Africa Report 2024

Africa Report 2024 Africa report presented by David and Ros

How to Access the Grace of God

How to Access the Grace of God God never intended for us to face temptation, trials or life in our own strength. He had made full provision for us in His grace. His grace will always be sufficient for us. This video looks at how we can access the grace of God for every situation […]

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 3) Grace On Top Of Grace

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 3) Grace On Top Of Grace Grace means undeserving love and favour. If we think we deserve it then it is not grace. In this video we see God’s grace towards three undeserving kings. Not only did they receive grace, but grace on top of grace. See Sermon Slides […]

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 2) The Aroma of Life and Death

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 2) The Aroma of Life and Death These two incidents in the ministry of Elisha illustrate this: The gospel is an aroma of death to those who reject Christ, but an aroma of life to those who believe. See Sermon Slides Here

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 1) What Does Grace Ministry Look Like?

Elisha, the Prophet of Grace 1) What Does Grace Ministry Look Like? Elisha is the prophet of grace. In this video we see how he is a picture of the Church through whom God wants to pour His grace into this world. See Sermon Slides Here

Grace-based Ministry

Grace-based Ministry Every Christian is anointed for ministry. The question is, ‘What have you been anointed for?’ In this video we explore how we can discover our God-given gifts in an organic way. See Sermon Slides Here

We Are God’s Work of Art

We Are God’s Work of Art When God created mankind we were the jewel in the crown of all He created. Tragically the glorious image of God was marred in the fall. But God was not content to leave us in that fallen state. In the recreation or regeneration we are even more glorious than […]

Faith + Love + Hope

Faith + Love + Hope The ingredients of Faith, Love, Hope, make for a healthy Christian life. Ps David presents the Biblical basis for these dynamics of the new creation life. See Sermon Slides Here

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made We are the crown jewel of God’s creation. This video takes a look at the amazing love of God we see in His creation of us. See Sermon Slides Here

How Many Sins Does it Take To Be a Sinner

How Many Sins Does it Take To Be a Sinner How Many Sins does it take to be a Sinner ! The answer is “none”! Realising we are not a sinner by what we do, but that we were born into sin is the first step toward our understanding the freedom from sin, that we […]

I’m Still Laughing

I’m Still Laughing Does God have a sense of humour? What about Jesus? Did He use humour in His ministry? Is humour ok in the pulpit, or is it out of bounds? These are some of the questions we will look at in this video. See Sermon Slides Here

Face to Face with Jesus

Face to Face with Jesus The Apostle John has a face to face meeting with Jesus on the Island of Patmos. Dr. Eliezer Gonzalez elaborates on this amazing encounter. See Sermon Slides Here

John 50. Jesus Qualifies the Disqualified

John 50. Jesus Qualifies the Disqualified John really finished his account of the gospel at the end of chapter 20. So why this extra chapter? As a tender shepherd, Jesus reaches out to restore  a fallen disciple. Many today would have insisted that Peter spend some time to go through a program of discipline and […]

John 49. Come and See…Go and Tell

John 49. Come and See…Go and Tell First Jesus called the Twelve to be His disciples, then He sent them as His apostles. Like them, we first need to see and understand who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Then we can go and tell the world the great news of the […]

John 48. Eyewitnesses

John 48. Eyewitnesses Any other human biography would end with the death of its subject. Not Jesus! His death was not the end; because 3 days later He rose from the dead. Our faith stands or falls on the resurrection of Christ. Jesus never predicted His death without also foretelling His resurrection. If He didn’t […]

What Do You Have

What Do You Have A powerful reminder of what we have as believers in Jesus Christ. See Sermon Slides Here

John 47. It is finished

John 47. It is finished Tetelestai (it is finished) is the word which separates Christianity from religion. Tetelestai means that Jesus has fulfilled all that the Father required to be accomplished on our behalf. We now rest in the finished work of Christ through faith. See Sermon Slides Here

John 46. The Just for the Unjust

John 46. The Just for the Unjust Jesus endured 6 different trials and at the end it was declared that there was no fault in Him. Why do the gospels give so much attention to the trial of Jesus. Because God wanted to demonstrate to the world that He was the Lamb of God without […]

This is the Day of Rest

This is the Day of Rest All through God’s Word, we read about Jesus and God’s plan of salvation for man. Each story illustrates different aspects of the perfection of His salvation plan through His Son. God rested when He saw that His works of creation were good. In the same way, He offers rest […]

 Haggai 3. I have chosen You

Haggai 3. I have chosen You See how the Temple is a picture of the work God will complete in us. See Sermon Slides Here

John 45. A Kingdom Not Of This World

John 45. A Kingdom Not Of This World The subject of the Kingdom of God is a major theme in the Bible. It is mentioned many times in the Old Testament and more times than ‘grace’ in the New Testament. Yet there is such little teaching and understanding on the subject. Jesus speaks about the […]

Burning Hearts and Running Feet

Burning Hearts and Running Feet Dr. Eliezer Gonzalez tells the story of how Jesus appears physically to two disciples on the very day of His resurrection. See Sermon Slides Here

Water Baptism

Water Baptism Jesus instituted water baptism under the new covenant and the apostles and the early church practiced it. However, today, though Jesus and the apostles never revoked baptism some are teaching that it’s no longer necessary. Others go to the other extreme and say water baptism is essential for salvation. This video looks at […]

John 44. A Weak Disciple and a Faithful High Priest

John 44. A Weak Disciple and a Faithful High Priest Jesus has arrived at the place in His life for which He came to earth – to go to the cross and die for our sins. Many times His enemies wanted to arrest and kill Him but were not able to because His time had […]

John 43. Jesus Prays for Us

John 43. Jesus Prays for Us John 17 is a unique chapter in the gospels because it is the fullest record of Jesus praying. Often He prayed but we don’t know much about what He prayed because He prayed alone. But here He prayed in the presence of witnesses – the disciples. There are 3 […]

John 42. Jesus Prays for His Disciples

John 41. Jesus Prays for His Disciples John 17 is a unique chapter in the gospels because it is the fullest record of Jesus praying. Often He prayed but we don’t know much about what He prayed because He prayed alone. But here He prayed in the presence of witnesses – the disciples. There are […]

John 41. Jesus Prays for Himself

John 41. Jesus Prays for Himself John 17 is a unique chapter in the gospels because it is the fullest record of Jesus praying. Often He prayed but we don’t know much about what He prayed because He prayed alone. But here He prayed in the presence of witnesses – the disciples. There are 3 […]

Haggai 2. The Encourager

Haggai 2. The Encourager  Take courage, do not fear. The Lord God Almighty is in your midst. See Sermon Slides Here

Do You Know How Precious You Are to God?

Do You Know How Precious You Are to God?  Often we don’t think or feel we are precious to God because all we see are our shortcomings. However, Jesus, our Great High Priest, has made us precious through His sacrifice on the Cross. We have embarked on a journey of sanctification. We enter in through […]

Covenant Confusion

Covenant Confusion God relates to us on the basis of covenant. But many do not understand the covenant they are in. In fact, some have a foot in both the old and the new covenants. This video teaching unfolds the ever-increasing glory of the new covenant. See Sermon Slides Here

John 39. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

John 39. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit  Jesus explains why it is better for us that He returns to heaven, so that the Holy Spirit may come and remain with us forever. In this video we look at the many ways the Holy Spirit ministers to us. See Sermon Slides Here

John 38. Abiding in His Love

John 37. Abiding in His Love Jesus told His disciples that they would be hated by the world, but they were to abide in His love. See Sermon Slides Here

John 37. Abiding in Christ

John 37. Abiding in Christ The key to fruitfulness in the Christian life is to understand what it means to abide in Christ. In this passage we look at the specific roles of the Vine, the Gardener and the branches. (Thanks to Sonia Farrell for the artwork for thumbnail used for this video). See […]

John 36. Introduced into God’s Circle of Love

John 36. Introduced into God’s Circle of Love As believers we are brought into the divine circle of love which existed eternally within the Godhead. See Sermon Slides Here

Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace One of the titles given to Jesus is ‘Prince of Peace’. This video looks at why this is good news for us. See Sermon Slides Here

Our Journey of Sanctification

Our Journey of Sanctification Why was Abraham ready to obey God and sacrifice his son? What brought Peter back from the brink of despair after having denied Jesus? Both of them learnt through their trials the depth of God’s unconditional love for them. Now that they had learned to trust in God’s promises, they were […]

Will You Go With This Man?

Will You Go With This Man? Abraham sending his servant to find a wife for his son is a beautiful type of the Holy Spirit calling out the bride of Christ from the world See Sermon Slides Here

Haggai 1. First Things First.

Haggai 1. First Things First. Making sure we put first things first. See Sermon Slides Here

Loving Israel Without Hating Palestine

Loving Israel Without Hating Palestine Are the claims of Israeli occupation and illegal settlements legitimate? What is the history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict? And does the Bible say anything specific about the war between Israel and Hamas? These are questions addressed in this video. See Sermon Slides Here

John 35 Spiritual Union

John 35 Spiritual Union Jesus reveals that the secret to His abundant fruitfulness is spiritual union and that we can know this too. See Sermon Slides Here

End Times – Israel in Prophecy

End Times – Israel in Prophecy There are three major themes of Scripture – Israel, Christ and the Church. All other themes relate to these. Israel is mentioned, either as a land or people over 2500 times. There are hundreds of prophecies, given thousands of years ago about Jerusalem and Israel. What does the Bible […]

John 34. Jesus Betrayed…And Glorified

John 34. Jesus Betrayed…And Glorified The greatest betrayal in history led to the greatest glorification. God’s ways are greater than ours. See Sermon Slides Here

John 33. Spiritual Foot Washing

John 33. Spiritual Foot Washing When Jesus washed the feet of His disciples it is clear from the passage that there was a deeper meaning than just that of serving one another. This session looks at that important teaching. See Sermon Slides Here

What Were Paul and Peter’s Last Words To Us?

What Were Paul and Peter’s Last Words To Us? In their last words to us, both Paul and Peter encouraged us to grow in grace by discovering the truth in God’s word that sets us free. Some of the scriptures in 2 Timothy and 2 Peter might have brought fear and condemnation to us in […]

The Blessing of Abraham

The Blessing of Abraham God’s spoken favour on your life. See Sermon Slides Here

Wholeness, Health and Healing 2. Do We Receive Healing By Taking Communion

Wholeness, Health and Healing 2. Do We Receive Healing By Taking Communion This is the second part of a two-part series entitled ‘Wholeness, Health and Healing. It looks at the common belief among many Christians today that we partake of communion to receive healing. See Sermon Slides Here

Wholeness, Health and Healing 1. Let Christ Fill Your Heart

Wholeness, Health and Healing 1. Let Christ Fill Your Heart Many people are healed through prayer and the laying on of hands, etc. But in this teaching session you will discover how God also often works from the inside. See Sermon Slides Here

John 32. The Hour Has Come

John 32. The Hour Has Come When Jesus was on trial before the Jewish leaders He said that it was their hour and the power of darkness. Yet, He also said it was His hour when He and the Father would be glorified. His life was never taken from Him. He laid it down of […]

John 31. The Fragrance of Worship

John 31. The Fragrance of Worship It was custom to pour a few drops of perfume on a guest when he arrived at a house or when he sat to eat. But Mary broke the flask and poured the entire contents of it on Jesus. The perfume filled the air. It seemed wasteful. But she […]

John 30. Jesus Wept

John 30. Jesus Wept The Greeks believed that God could not be moved by our suffering. They argued that if He could be affected emotionally by our afflictions then He could be manipulated and would not be in control. Jesus, who is the very image of God, showed how far from the truth this belief […]

Abundant Life

Abundant Life What is abundant life? Brett unpacks this question in systematic detail. See Sermon Slides Here

John 28. The Good Shepherd’s Sheep Will Never Perish

John 28. The Good Shepherd’s Sheep Will Never Perish Jesus said that His sheep ‘And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out […]

John 27. The Good Shepherd

John 27. The Good Shepherd Jesus warned us that there would be thieves, robbers, hirelings and strangers who would harm God’s sheep. But He is the Good Shepherd who not only protects the flock but lays down His life for the sheep. See Sermon Slides Here

A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men These three men were all involved in the work of Christ. How does this relate to you in your service for the work of Christ? See Sermon Slides Here

John 26. Do You Believe in the Son of God?

John 26. Do You Believe in the Son of God? ‘Do you believe in the Son of God?’ is the most important question everyone has to answer. See Sermon Slides Here

John 25. Once I Was Blind, But Now I See

John 25. Once I Was Blind, But Now I See Jesus’ healing of the man born blind was a sign revealing His glory in our salvation. But the way He responded to this man’s need was completely different to that of the disciples, the neighbours, his parents and the Pharisees. The way others treat […]

The Supremacy of the One

The Supremacy of the One His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Matt 17:2-3 See Sermon Slides Here

God’s Plan Unfolding

God’s Plan Unfolding God’s plan of salvation has been unfolding since the beginning of time. God used many examples of it through different illustrations: the barren women of the Bible, the story of Samson and others. He is also unfolding the plan He has for your life. He knew you since before the world […]

John 24. The Truth Shall Make You Free

John 24. The Truth Shall Make You Free Jesus referred to Satan as a liar and a murderer. The two are linked. With ‘the lie’ Satan killed the human race. But Jesus is the truth who sets us free from Satan’s deception and gives us eternal life through faith in Him. See Sermon Slides […]

John 23. The Light of the World

John 23. The Light of the World Jesus is the Light of the world. He is the light of our conscience, the light that reveals our sin but also the light of our salvation. The gospel is a call to come into the light of life which is Christ. See Sermon Slides Here

John 22. Jesus is Our Advocate

John 22. Jesus is Our Advocate The woman caught in adultery and brought to Jesus was a trap intended to expose how His message of love compromised the justice of God’s law. The woman’s dilemma is ours also – until Jesus becomes our advocate. See Sermon Slides Here

John 21. Rivers of Living Water

John 21. Rivers of Living Water The living water Jesus offered the woman at the well and those in the temple court at the Feast of Tabernacles is the only thing that satisfies our inner thirst. See Sermon Slides Here

John 20. Our Times are in His Hands

John 20. Our Times are in His Hands Jesus was not opportunistic. Neither did He live according to the whims and wishes of the people, but according to his Father’s will and timetable. Similarly, our lives are not dictated by fate, circumstances or even Satan. Our lives and our times are in God’s hands. See […]

John 19. The Tide Turns

John 19. The Tide Turns Chapter 5 records how Jesus was rejected in Judea. In chapter 6 we see He was rejected in Galilee also. This was a turning point in His ministry. From immense popularity the tide now turns and there is increasing opposition and hostility. But Jesus was not affected by public opinion […]

John 18. Bread of Life

John 18. Bread of Life When Jesus said, ‘I am the Bread of Life’ He presented Himself to us as the answer to our deepest need. Without Him we may exist, but not live. Bread can give us physical nourishment, but Jesus gives life. See Sermon Slides Here

John 17. Is It Over Your Head or Under His Feet?

John 17. Is It Over Your Head or Under His Feet? Paul says that God has put all things under the feet of Jesus. The practical implications of this are amazing for our daily lives as believers. See Sermon Slides Here

John 16. Without Him We Can’t – Without Us He Won’t

John 16. Without Him We Can’t – Without Us He Won’t The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle that is mentioned in all 4 gospels. But for John, this was more than a miracle – it was a sign. In this video we see why. See Sermon Slides Here

Love One Another

Love One Another  Before we can love one another, we need to know what love is, how we can apply it and what it is for?  What is the love of God?  How do I love my brother or sister if they are being difficult?  If I am concerned for the well-being of a brother, […]

John 15. In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses

John 15. In the Mouth of Two or Three WitnessesAdd Your Heading Text Here Jesus claimed to be God. Anyone can claim to be God. But when He summoned two or three powerful witnesses we are left with no option but to believe in Him. See Sermon Slides Here

See His Glory – The Incarnation of God

See His Glory – The Incarnation of God The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and the power of the Highest overshadowed her. And the greatest event in the history of mankind took place – the incarnation of God. God was manifested in the flesh. But what does it mean? Ken looks at this important subject […]

John 14. Life and Judgement Through the Son

John 14. Life and Judgement Through the Son Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. And during His time on earth He showed us how to live a life of abundant fruitfulness – by making our humanity available to His deity. See Sermon Slides Here

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

The Good the Bad and the Ugly We need to call that ‘good’ which God calls good, and that ‘evil’ which God calls evil. Failure to do so is ugly. See Sermon Slides Here

Creation – Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth

Creation – Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth Dr. Tas Walker from Creation Ministries International, international speaker, writer and geologist presents the good news that the biblical account of origins is not only historically accurate, but makes better sense of the evidence. See Sermon Slides Here

The Sovereignty of God – God’s Sovereignty, Our Security.

The Sovereignty of God – God’s Sovereignty, Our Security. Who controls what happens on earth? God either rules or is ruled. If His will is subject to, or can be thwarted by Satan or man then He is not God. The doctrine of the sovereignty of God has never been popular since the Fall. But […]

John 13. Healing at the House of Grace

John 13. Healing at the House of Grace The seven signs of Jesus recorded in John’s gospel each reveal some aspect of our salvation. In this session we look at the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. See Sermon Slides Here

John 12. Faith That Honours God

John 12. Faith That Honours God Faith receives that which grace supplies. And faith in Christ always honours God. See Sermon Slides Here

John 11. One Sows and Another Reaps

John 11. One Sows and Another Reaps When we share the good news of the gospel with others we never know if we are sowing, watering or reaping, so Jesus taught us to always be ready for harvest. See Sermon Slides Here

Faith or Character?

Faith or Character? But without faith it is impossible to please God See Sermon Slides Here

John 10. It Wasn’t the Water He Came For…It Was Me

John 10. It Wasn’t the Water He Came For…It Was Me Jesus never called the woman at the well ‘a sinner’. She already knew that. He called her ‘thirsty’ and offered her living water. See Sermon Slides Here

John 8. Look and Live

John 8. Look and Live It seems strange to say that a serpent on a pole would represent Jesus, until you understand why. See Sermon Slides Here

John 7. You Must Be Born Again

John 7. You Must Be Born Again Our entrance into this life was by means of our birth. Similarly, to enter the Kingdom of God necessitates a new birth, a birth from above. See Sermon Slides Here

John 6. House Cleaning

John 6. House Cleaning Jesus cleansed the House of God because it had been turned into a ‘den of thieves’. Would He do the same today with His house, the Church? (This message was re-recorded in Ken’s home because of technical issues with the first recording). See Sermon Slides Here

John 5. He Turned the Water into Wine

John 5. He Turned the Water into Wine This first miracle of Jesus is a sign that He had come to replace empty, lifeless religion with the joy and abundance of the new life we find in Him. See Sermon Slides Here

Entitlement or Revelation

Entitlement or Revelation A revelation of the greatness of God. See Sermon Slides Here

John 4. Bringing People to Jesus

John 4. Bringing People to Jesus Much of ministry today results in co-dependency, i.e. connecting people to us, our church and our ministry. True ministry is connecting people to Jesus, resulting in Christ-dependency. See Sermon Slides Here

John 3. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

John 3. A Voice Crying in the Wilderness  In this session we look at how John the Baptist fit into the life and ministry of Jesus and how this can be a tremendous help to us. See Sermon Slides Here

Romans 11. Led By the Spirit

Romans 11. Led By the Spirit Those who are led by the Spirit are not under the Law. What does it mean to be led by the Spirit? See Sermon Slides Here

John 2. Grace Came

John 2. Grace Came The law was sent, but grace came. This session is an exposition of John 1:11-18. See Sermon Slides Here

One Greater Than The Temple

One Greater Than The Temple In Mathew 12:6, Jesus makes a profound and outrageous statement to the Pharisees, “In this place there is One greater than the temple.” This most certainly outraged them, however, for us as believers, there is a wonderful message of truth, leading to salvation and life hidden within this one statement. […]

John 1. Let the Witnesses Testify

John 1. Let the Witnesses Testify We will never appreciate the greatness of our salvation until we see something of the glory of the Son of God.  John wrote his account of the gospel for a specific purpose – that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that believing in Him […]

The Perfect Law of Liberty

The Perfect Law of Liberty Only James uses this term ‘the law of liberty’ (twice). What does it mean? See Sermon Slides Here

Sons Of God

Sons Of God Under the old covenant God’s people were under the guardianship of the law, likened to a pedagogue. They fared no better than a household servant. But under grace we are adopted as sons of God. This is characterized by freedom from legalism and intimacy with the Father. See Sermon Slides Here

I Am Normal

I Am Normal Yes, I am normal when, in trials, I feel baffled or overwhelmed, longing to see the end of them. God is not punishing me.  To the contrary. He is showing me how to shed hindrances from my life and to replace them by discovering the riches He has deposited in me. Trials […]

Ready and Prepared for Stressful Times

Ready and Prepared for Stressful Times Paul said that the last days will be perilous and stressful. Evil men and impostors will get worse and worse. But he also said we can be ready and fully prepared for such times. See Sermon Slides Here

What God Expects of Us?

What God Expects of Us? Bring what little talents and abilities you have and see God perform miracles with them. It is not about what we can do but about what God can do through us. It is not about our resources but all about His to face any challenges we have. See Sermon Slides […]

Jesus and the Cancel Culture

Jesus and the Cancel Culture Cancel culture seeks to dictate how we respond to those who have said or done the wrong thing. But what should our response be to these ones? Jesus points the way. See Sermon Slides Here

A Strategy, a Song, a Shovel & a Saviour

A Strategy, a Song, a Shovel & a Saviour Maybe the situation you are in, the stress or mess, is really just a nudge to turn to God and seek His guidance. See Sermon Slides Here

Understanding Faith

Understanding Faith An overview of Bible faith depicting Jesus as the prime object, example, and teacher of faith. See Sermon Slides Here

He’s Alive

He’s Alive Paul prayed that we would receive a revelation of the indwelling resurrected power of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this message we see four erroneous beliefs such a revelation will deliver us from. See Sermon Slides Here

Symbols, Salt & a Saviour

Symbols, Salt & a Saviour Elisha’s miracle with a ‘Handful of Salt’ in Jericho foreshadows God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. See Sermon Slides Here

Grace For Today

Grace for Today We live in the capsule of time and God gives us grace one day at a time. Some do not experience God’s grace because they are either stuck in the past or trying to live in the future. God wants us to experience present tense grace. See Sermon Slides Here

Growing Strong by Beholding the Love of God

Growing Strong by Beholding the Love of God The apostles exhort us to behold the love of God. We need to be encouraged to do this for our spiritual health. See Sermon Slides Here

Our Glorious Riches in Christ Jesus

Our Glorious Riches in Christ Jesus In today’s message we examine our glorious riches in Christ Jesus. We are blessed with every spiritual blessing. We were predestined to be the Chosen of God, His elect. We were redeemed and regenerated. We are adopted and accepted in the Beloved as sons and daughters. We are His […]

God’s Faithfulness Triumphs Over Our Fickleness

God’s Faithfulness Triumphs Over Our Fickleness The faithfulness of God is a prominent theme of the Bible. It is also a very precious subject for the people of God. In this video we look at what the faithfulness of God will do for us. See Sermon Slides Here

Partnering with God

Partnering with God God wants to partner with us in the visions or promises He gives to us, simply because He loves us. He wants to enrich our relationship with Him through it, bring us help whenever we need it until they come to pass. See Sermon Slides Here

Good Tidings – Part 2 – The New Heart

Good Tidings – Part 2 – The New Heart When we were given a new spirit, we were also given a new heart of flesh in place of the heart of stone we had when we were sons of Adam. This Sunday we explore what the new heart actually is, and why we can produce […]

Good Tidings – Part 1 – The Good News

Good Tidings – Part 1 – The Good News In today’s message we are taking a deep dive into what the Good News is, and how that is the basis for who we are in Christ Jesus, our very identity as new creations! See Sermon Slides Here

The Power of the Gospel 2. Empowering Grace.

The Power of the Gospel 2. Empowering Grace The grace of God does not lead us into sin, laziness or passivity, though this can be the impression we get from the way it is sometimes taught. On the contrary, grace empowers us for the totality of life on planet earth. It lifts us up to […]

The Power of the Gospel 1. The Gospel Makes Us Righteous, Not Religious

The Power of the Gospel 1. The Gospel Makes Us Righteous, Not Religious Religion is the antithesis of the gospel. The emphasis of religion is about what we are told we have to do for God to love us, accept us or bless us. The gospel is the announcement of what God has done for […]

Bible Prophecy and the Present Times

Bible Prophecy and the Present Times Many are asking ‘Does the Bible say anything about the present times in which we live?’ Most of us have never experienced such a world-changing event as Covid19. Some attempt to explain the pandemic with specific predictions in the Bible. How should we respond to this? See Sermon Slides […]

Harbinger of Peace – Loving and Forgiving

Harbinger of Peace – Loving and Forgiving Jesus is the Giver of Peace; He is the Harbinger of Peace. Jesus announced He was giving us the gift of peace to the disciples (John 14:27), in that He gave us the Helper the Holy Spirit (John 14:16). As we are at the end of the Church age now, […]

At the Feet of Jesus

At The Feet Of Jesus God has a wonderful place for us – at the feet of Jesus our Prophet, Priest and King. See Sermon Slides Here

God Manifest in the Flesh 2. The Incarnation and Our Sanctification

God Manifest in the Flesh 2. The Incarnation and Our Sanctification Every Christian wants to lead a sanctified life, but most don’t know how. In this vacuum of ignorance many legalistic false teachings arise which lead to bondage. True sanctification is the work of Christ in the believer, therefore our faith and focus should be […]

God Manifest in the Flesh 1. The Incarnation and Our Salvation

God Manifest in the Flesh 1. The Incarnation and Our Salvation The wonder of Christmas and the incarnation can be summed up in the words of Paul, ‘Great is the mystery of godliness’. This is the first part in a three-part series exploring the breathtaking implications of God manifest in the flesh. See Sermon Slides […]

JESUS – The Good Shepherd

JESUS – The Good Shepherd Jesus said that he is the good shepherd. This is a comforting truth and speaks to the loving character of Christ toward us. Jesus will always lead, guide, rescue. He will never leave you or forsake you, especially in those times when we can’t sense or feel him. He will […]

Jesus Sees You

Jesus Sees You Jesus always sees us. But often He sees us differently to the way others see us. See Sermon Slides Here

Midnight and the Coming Bridegroom

Midnight and the Coming Bridegroom Jesus the bridegroom will return for His bride the church. This teaching session explores the theme of midnight in scripture and how it relates to this event. See Sermon Slides Here

I Can

I Can Every New Testament doctrine is illustrated in the Old Testament. The Promised Land is not a picture of heaven but of the Promised Life we have in Christ. See Sermon Slides Here

Samson and Delilah

Samson and Delilah In this message we see Samson the strongman, brought down, not by an army of men, but by one solitary woman – Delilah. We see his ultimate sacrifice as the drama of his life comes to an end. But again weaved throughout this last chapter of his life, we see Jesus depicted […]

Knowing the True – Rejecting the False

Knowing The True – Rejecting The False In his first epistle, John reveals the truths he heard directly from Jesus so that we are able to reject what is false. He uncovers the truth about sin and righteousness and shows us what we need to know before we can believe it. He explains how to […]

Samson 5 Enemy at the Gate

See Sermon Slides Here As we draw closer to the end of Samson’s journey we see more of how the narrative of his life typifies the power and majesty of the finished work of the cross of Jesus. And just as Samson possessed the gate of his enemies, Christ possessed the gate of His enemies […]

Samson 4b The Stirrer

Samson 4b The Stirrer Samson 4b The Stirrer delves a little more deeply into the text of Judges chapter 14 and closes out chapter 15. We continue to see how God uses Samson to accomplish his purpose for Israel and we also see a little behind the veil, how the narrative of Samson’s life also […]

End Times and the Coming Kingdom

End Times and the Coming Kingdom Who will be the final Superpower on earth?  Daniel 2 gives the most comprehensive revelation of the world powers that will rule the earth, beginning from the time of Daniel until the end of the age. See Sermon Slides Here

End Times and the Coming Crisis

End Times and the Coming Crisis History is not circular but climactic. What is the climax towards which the human race is heading and how can we be prepared for it? See Sermon Slides Here

Bitter Made Sweet

Bitter Made Sweet Life can be cruel and people can end up bitter and twisted. But the Biblical principle of ‘the law of first mention’ reveals God’s antidote to bitterness. See Sermon Slides Here

BEHOLD! Awaiting a Hero or is that a ‘Lamb’

Behold! Awaiting a Hero or is That a Lamb In these days of uncertainty with Covid still on the march and many other unprecedented events occurring it is vital to hold on to the one thing that is certain and that is the faithfulness and goodness of God. Behold the Lamb. See Sermon Slides Here

Hope for the End Times

Hope for the End Times The Bible says that ‘hope deferred makes the heart sick’ (Prov.13:12). The absence of hope is closely linked to the downward spiral of depression. Sadly, hope is often taken away from us because it is based on the decisions of others or on circumstances outside of our control. But the […]

The Bread of Life Jesus is the Bread of life. Give us this day our daily bread means that He gives us of Himself for what we will need to face the challenges the world throws at us each day. He equips us and strengthens us each day because He is the Bread who gives us life. He […]

Love in the End Times 2) Love Never Fails

Three times in 1 Corinthians 13 Paul said though we may have wonderful gifts and make great sacrifices, yet if we do not have love we are nothing. What is love? This video looks at this vital question. See Sermon Slides Here

Joseph Wept

Joseph wept, because his brothers didn’t believe that they were forgiven. We were sinners—we have been forgiven by Christ Jesus. See Sermon Slides Here

His Bride the Church Restored and Ready

Jesus is coming back for a bride who ‘has made herself ready’. David takes a comparative look at the church and the world today and the scriptural evidence that each believer has a role to play and will receive an eternal reward. His Bride the Church Restored and Ready See Sermon Slides Here

Samson Series Part 4a The Stirrer.

Samson Series Part 4a: The Stirrer. The Stirrer. In this first instalment we look at the Holy Spirit in relation to Samson’s mission, and how the Lord continues to be faithful to him. And how we, even more so under a new and better covenant can expect the Spirit to move and be faithful to […]

Love in the End Times – Part 1

Both Jesus and Paul had much to say about love in the end times – both inside and outside of the Church. This is the first part of two sessions on this subject. Love in the End Times 1) The Church Builds Itself Up in Love See Sermon Slides Here

Apostasy in the End Times

The New Testament tells us there will be a falling away (apostasia – defection from the truth) prior to the 2nd coming of Christ. How should we respond to this warning? Apostasy in the End Times See Sermon Slides Here

Samson 3. God Behind the Man

Samson really gets a bad rap. And perhaps for good reason. Though a greatly flawed man, the letter to the Hebrews mentions Samson as a man of faith. His life is an example of God’s grace, that even when we are faithless God is always faithful to us. Samson 3. God Behind the Man […]

There is NO shame in Christ Jesus

There is NO shame in Christ Jesus Many people suffer under the condemnation of shame, both shame that has come about by the misgivings of others, and also by mistakes made by people themselves. In today’s message we explore where shame originated for mankind, what shame looks like, and how the truth of God’s forgiveness, […]

Hesed 2: Discerning the Lord’s Body

Hesed 2: Discerning the Lord’s Body The two main reasons God wants us to understand Hesed is 1) because it will transform our relationship with Him; 2) because it will transform our relationship with others. In this session we see how when we break bread together, we are reminded of our union together in the […]

Hesed 1: What Amazes Jesus

Hesed 1: What Amazes Jesus Hesed is one of the most beautiful words in the Bible. Someone described it as the most defining characteristic of God. Understanding the Hesed of God will dramatically transform our relationship with Him. See Sermon Slides Here

When Jesus Comes To Church 8: Lukewarm Laodiceans

When Jesus Comes To Church 8: Lukewarm Laodiceans What does it mean to be a lukewarm Christian? And why did Jesus say He would vomit the lukewarm Laodiceans out of His mouth? Discover vital truths from Jesus’ letter to the Laodiceans. See Sermon slides Here

Jesus – Our Very Best Friend

Jesus – Our Very Best Friend   Jesus is many things to us, and to mention just slight few…He is our Saviour, our Redeemer, our High Priest, our King and our Lord God. And further to that, Jesus is also our Friend, and for me and many in the faith He is our very best friend. […]

When Jesus Comes To Church 6: Sardis and the Seven Spirits.

When Jesus Comes To Church 6: Sardis and the Seven Spirits The church at Sardis is a reminder to every believer and church not to live off past glory. God is always doing something new and He offers fresh supplies of the Holy Spirit to all. See Sermon Slides Here

The Resurrection of Jesus – Can We Be Sure?

The Resurrection of Jesus – Can We Be Sure? Can we be sure? The Resurrection of Jesus is the central fact of the Christian faith. If it’s untrue, the rest collapses. Guest speaker Dr. Don Hardgrave brings this informative and insightful perspective. See Sermon Slides Here

When Jesus Comes To Church 5: Saving Jezebel’s Children

When Jesus Comes To Church 5: Saving Jezebel’s Children Who was the woman at Thyatira whom Jesus referred to as ‘Jezebel’? And what problems was she causing for the church there? In His letter to the church at Thyatira Jesus has a timely message for all churches today. See Sermon Slides here

Civil War

Civil War ‘Do believers have two natures?  (for example), a sin nature and a righteous nature?’   ‘Is there really an internal battle between the two natures?’     This message will discuss what it truly means to be established in your new identity in Christ. See Sermon Slides Here

Prince of Peace – Finding Hope in the Midst of Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and Depression are very real challenges in our world today. Drawing from his personal testimony, Phil will be illuminating the hope we have in knowing Jesus – the Prince of Peace – so that we might experience the fruit and victory that comes through understanding our new creation identity in Christ.

When Jesus Comes To Church | 1. Introduction

When Jesus Comes To Church | Jesus’ letters to the seven churches of Asia give us a picture of Jesus’s commentary on local churches. Churches often take a wrong turn at some stage. Jesus, in His love for the Church, confronts them regarding this so that they can turn back. He would say to us today, ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’

Eternal Security: The End of All Dispute

The subject of ‘once saved, always saved’ has been fiercely debated for centuries. Yet, as this video reveals, the dispute about eternal security was ended once and for all when the book of Hebrews was written.

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